Wednesday, March 19, 2008

lost dogs of pompeii...

black stray dog in pompeii, canon digital rebel xti

I always have all of these great ideas brewing in my head. My future yarn shop, my new knitting invention, creating a charity, writing a book, etc. I have wheels in motion on a few of the above but I guess it's my wish to do all of them.

One of the items I really want to pursue this year is saving all of the "lost dogs" of Pompeii in Italy. Yes, that's right I want to scoop up all of the abandoned dogs that are living in the hot sun with little shade at the mercy of tourists for food, water and attention.

Italians do not believe in euthanizing animals just because they have overstayed their welcome in the shelter. I am happy about that but that means that their shelters are packed full of dogs. Italians are abandoning their dogs in record numbers at major tourist destinations all over Italy since the shelters are not accepting any new intakes. If they are caught they will be fined but that does not seem to be stopping them. Don't get me wrong... Many Italians are dog lovers and have many pets but just like anywhere in the world there are irresponsible pet owners and people who shouldn't be allowed to have a dog.

It makes me sad, it makes me want to start a rescue mission to find good homes for all of those poor dogs that just need a chance and a little love.


Darlene said...

I love doggies ^..^
I'd be right there with you, wanting to do something for them.

Have a Fabulous Saturday Tricia,
love to you,
xOx Darlene

ps~hope you're feeling well? Let me know if there is anything I can do?

Darlene said...

and hey...I LOVE yarn, have bought many a skeins (sp?) just because I can see that beautiful hat or scarf...

and then I add it to my ever growing yarn basket full of unique and beautiful puffs of fun :)