Wednesday, March 12, 2008

new sweater...

fair isle ivy league vest by Eunny Jang, Interweave Knits Magazine

knitted knapsack backpack, canon digital rebel xti

I am ready to embark on another knitted sweater. So far in the past year, I have knitted several scarfs, mittens, hats, bags, a backpack and two sweaters! They say knitting is the new yoga and I tend to agree. Knitting has been very therapeutic for me. I can forget about all my troubles and just get hypnotized by the clicking of my needles and the mantra of knit, purl in my head. I have decided to take on a challenging fair isle project and I need some spice in my knitting life. The above picture is of a knapsack backpack that I knitted while I was laid up with a ruptured achilles from all the steriods they injected into me for my neurological disorder. The only good thing to come of that injury was definately this backpack. I took this pack to Italy and everywhere I went someone had a nice compliment on the pack. I had several people offer to buy it. It was such a labor of love and very time intensive.

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