Tuesday, April 01, 2008


my obsessive collection of playing cards, canon digital rebel xti

That is how long I have gone without sleep in the past 24 hours. I have been pulling some late nights at work so we can get a rather large SAP system implemented. As I drove home at 2 AM last night, I saw several cars on the road and I wondered what are all these people doing up at this insane hour let alone driving somewhere. Are they headed home after a night of drinking, to work or to the grocery store since that is the only store actually open at that hour?

I finally pull in the driveway, drop my things in the house and expect Denver to come greet me but he doesn't. He is curled up with my husband in our king size bed on my pillow drooling(Yuck)! My mind is still racing so I decide to watch mindless TV, read blogs and flip through the latest issue of People magazine only to find out Pam Anderson is getting divorced again (why am I not surprised?)

I finally go upstairs to retire for a few hours of sleep and Denver plays dead and shuts down his breathing. I can't move him and he seems to have added deafness to his bag of tricks. Frustrated, I go to the guest room and settle in for the rest of the morning. I watch every minute tick by on the alarm clock until it is 7 AM and force myself back to work. All day I felt like the college student who pulled an all nighter and had way too much to drink.

In the midst of my bad hair and sleep deprived day, two things brought a big smile to my face. First was my friend and fellow blogger, Darlene's post about big hair. I am pretty sure I can top her but my scanner is broken so I can't prove it. I especially found her sister Denise's comment which references her likeness to Amy Grant hilarious. I too had that cassette tape and remember thinking Amy Grant was beautiful, hair and all.

And last but not least... I have a blog banner created by the wonderful and talented Susannah. Isn't it lovely?

1 comment:

Susannah Conway said...

yay! It's so great to see the finished banner on your blog - you look gorgeous in that photo x