Tuesday, March 18, 2008


mom,dad,aunt lois, uncle ron, gretchan, bryan and I, canon digital rebel xti

When you battle an illness, you truly realize the importance of good friends and the unwavering support of your family. Many people have told me you look so good in this picture. I cringe to myself because I remember the day very vividly. We all went downtown to watch my cousin, Gret run the Columbus Marathon. She loves to run marathons which I find insane. I had the most excruciating headache, of course at the time I had no idea I had extremely high intercranial pressure in my brain from the over abundance of spinal fluid my body was making. I ask myself how the heck did I even get off the couch that day? I spent 500 straight days with an excruciating headache and was starting to lose my vision from it until I got a shunt put in my back.

I have come a long way from the day this picture was taken, however I still have bad days from the overall arching neurological condition I have. I wonder if I will ever be normal or if I will ever be able to have a child, etc. I truly try to live in the now and not dwell in the past or question why this happened to me. It's wasted energy and it's taken me several years to figure that out.

Everyone has some plight in their life whether they carry it silently or whether they share it with the ones they love. I have learned that kindness, genuine caring and support from family and friends are what really get you through the rough patches. My experience has also enabled me to connect with others on a whole different level.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

It is so difficult to look at old pictures...healthy pictures, without that deep yearning inside to be that person again.

Plus, haven't you learned to put on that "normal" face (and a little makeup)? No one around you has any idea about what is really going on.

Well...except for the people who love you the most, they see it in your eyes.

As you have seen...I have posted some UGLY sick pictures of myself, that was hard to do, but like you, I am using this medium as an outlet for myself and for reaching out to others.

We can't isolate ourselves to the degree of loosing touch with the outside world.

I hope this is a good day for you and know that you are special just as you are now.

smiles and hugs (smugs)